a small press review


Moschatel Press, so named after the moschatel tree (as cleverly illustrated here on the cover, and as mentioned in the foreword) has put great attention into detail when it comes to publishing a book as tiny as this one. It is barely bigger than my palm – which is saying something, for I have very small hands – although it packs substance far beyond its size.

Published in London, this little booklet features intricate, beautiful illustrations by Laura Clarke (in the same shade of green as the cover, a clever detail) alongside the titles of books that Moschatel Press has published. The paper is thick and deceptively weighty, with the print done on a stack of 10 cream coloured cards. A white thread runs through two holes within the middle of the book and is secured firmly with a knot, acting as the binding.

All in all this is a cute and well thought out piece, and very much in line with the theme of Moschatel Press’s aims; to print responsibly in tune with the environment.